Lander Nordic
2025 Winter Challenge
Join us for the third annual Lander Nordic Winter Challenge!
December 1st - February 27th
This year we're changing things up and challenging participants to ski for a total of 30-hours during the challenge period! Participants will have from December 1st to February 27th to log hours on the event website and earn a custom handmade Lander Nordic mug and ski ties! Adults may sync their Strava profile to upload data automatically, or enter data manually.
We also have a special kids (ages 2-14) category this year. Kids will double their age and ski for the equivalent hours to earn a LNSA Nordic ski cap and ski ties (i.e. A 5-year old will ski for a total of 10 hours, a 10-year old will ski for a total of 20 hours). Age/hour verification will be performed by the event director at the Appreciation Party on February 27th.
Prizes will be given out at the Lander Nordic Membership Appreciation Party on February 27th. Location TBA.
How it works
Register for adult or kid category. All categories are freestyle (classic or skate).
Upon registration participants will be given the option to sync a Strava account. This is optional.
Strava: Any qualifying Nordic activity will be imported to your ski log. You will still need to log into SkiReg after each activity for the import to update the leaderboard. You can do this daily/weekly, etc.
Manual: If you don't want to use Stava, you can enter your hours manually by logging into SkiReg and clicking the “Enter Data” button on the event page. Kid categories must enter data manually.
Ski! Ski anytime, any place, between Dec 1st - Feb 27th.
Check the leaderboard to see your stats!
Claim your Lander Nordic mug at the LNSA Membership Appreciation Party on Feb 27th.
All participants will receive a custom pair of Lander Nordic Ski ties for participating.
Participants who reach their challenge goal will receive a custom LNSA mug!
Kids will receive a LNSA ski cap
Form a team with your friends or workplace and compete to see how hours you can do together!*
The teams with the most and highest average at the end of the challenge will be announced at the end of event party.
You can add/edit your team name through Feb 15th, so don’t worry about signing up if you haven’t got the details worked out yet.
*Joining a team does not disqualify you from the personal challenge
Registration is open NOW-Feb 1.
Event costs $30 per person.
Children under 14 are free in our kids category.
Why does this event cost money? The event fee covers the operational costs of the event (yes, there are costs). This allows member dollars to continue to go toward grooming (what we actually care about) while allowing the event to be self sustaining. Any extra money generated by the event goes right back into grooming.
Where can I ski?
Anywhere! Any nordic skiing at ANY location will count toward your overall distance goal.
If I sign up late will I still get credit for skiing I’ve already done?
Yes. Any skiing previously done during the challenge period will count toward your overall goal. These hours will get added to your log automatically when you sync Strava. Or you can add them manually.
How do I add data/sync my Strava account?
After the event starts, go to the event page on skireg. Click the Enter Data tab. Scroll down and elect if you want the platform to show a link to your strava profile on the leaderboard. You can edit this setting later if desired. Click save. On the next page click the link for add data. You will see the Sync Strava option and will be prompted to sync your account. There is no need to enter your data manually.
What kind of skiing counts?
Only Nordic skiing counts toward you hour goal. Resort skiing does not count. Only your moving time counts toward your challenge hours.
Do I need Strava to participate?
No, but it is highly recommended. If participants choose not to use a Strava account they may elect to add their hours manually. This is a bit time consuming, and is entirely on the honor system. Only moving time counts toward the challenge goal.
The Strava App can be downloaded and used for free with any smartphone. If you are new to Strava, here is a helpful guide to get you started. Using Strava adds an important social component to the event.
How do Teams work?
Enter your team name on the event registration page if applicable. Team names can be added/edited if needed. Team miles will be calculated at the end of the event and announced at the end of event party.
Two team categories will be recognized: The team with the most overall hours, and the team with the highest average hours per team member.
Participating with a team does not disqualify you from the individual challenge.
Who can participate?
This event is open to everyone. You do not need to be a member of LNSA, or live in Lander, to participate in this challenge, however clearly you love to ski, so why not join and support the trails you enjoy. If you live out of town let us know the best way to get you your mug (small shipping charges may apply).
Do I need a special GPS device to participate?
No, although they are sure handy for keeping track of kilometers. You only need to keep track of your time. Please only track your moving time. Taking an hour long lunch break at Beaver Creek does not count toward you ski hours!
How do I edit my registration or challenge goal?
Login to Skireg.com and click on your events. Select Lander Nordic Winter Challenge and then click the link for enter data. Scroll down and select the “PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION INFO” link. You will be taken to a page that will allow you to update your information.

Become a member today
Your membership pays for grooming. Do your part and become a sustaining member today!